This is out of date and the current process is in: YouTube Production Checklist

  • Write an Outline
  • Write a script and/or Intro
    • Is there a video I can mention or reference in this video?
  • Come up with 10 title options
  • Determine what the thumbnail should be
  • Make the thumbnail (before recording the video)
    • If the thumbnail sucks, no need to go any further
  • Record the A-Roll (Dialog)
  • Do an initial cut of the dialog
    • Note B-Roll we need with markers (Blue)
    • Note chapters via markers in another color (Purple)
  • Take that list from DaVinci Resolve and record all the B-Roll
  • Write a description for YouTube
    • Be sure to add relevant tags
  • Create named clips of that B-Roll in DaVinci Resolve
  • Overlay those B-Roll clips on the markers
    • Change the markers to green as you have filled each
    • This gives us a todo list of remaining tasks
  • Rewatch at 2x Speed and do a final edit
    • Chop up any long-running clips to stay interesting
    • Add chapters via markers in another color
    • Add Intro, Subscribe callouts and outro