3-2-1: Simple Mindset Shifts, Aligning Thoughts and Actions, and Being Contrarian



  • Author: James Clear
  • Full Title: 3-2-1: Simple Mindset Shifts, Aligning Thoughts and Actions, and Being Contrarian


Over long time frames, simply staying in the game is impressive. - Health and fitness: Can you stay injury free and not miss workouts? - Wealth and finance: Can you avoid debt and continue to save? - Business: Can you maintain cash flow and stay in business? Longevity is its own form of greatness. (View Highlight) Radical Incrementalism Showing Up Consistency will win in the long run over bursts of output

I’d say 8 or 9 times out of 10, you should be succeeding. Build momentum. Accumulate advantages. Feast on the feeling of success and let it feed your desire to do more. But 1 or 2 times out of 10, you should be failing. Push yourself and reach beyond your current grasp. Force yourself to try uncomfortable things. Occasionally you will surprise yourself and the rest of the time you will learn. Win enough to keep progressing. Lose enough to keep learning. (View Highlight) My Failure Resumé If you never lose you aren’t pushing yourself