3-2-1: A Better Measure of Success, Creating Change, and Resilience



  • Author: James Clear
  • Full Title: 3-2-1: A Better Measure of Success, Creating Change, and Resilience


If you want to create something but feel it has already been done 1000 times, remember: There is always room for quality. (View Highlight)

Deconstruct the cool things you see. If you’d like to become a better musician and you see an amazing performance, start paying attention to how they do it. (View Highlight)

When something fascinates you, pay attention to the details. The person who thinks, “That was cool” is a consumer. The person who thinks, “How did they make something that cool?” is on the path to being a creator. Don’t just taste the recipe, look for the ingredients. (View Highlight) Creators look to see how it’s made Creators vs Consumers