
  • new — I am trying out differentiating slightly between review and new by having new be used for writing content within Obsidian and review being for reviewing content by others
  • review — Initial status upon coming into the vault from an outside source such as Readwise. The intention here is to review it at least once after the initial writing to see if my opinions have changed after time away from the idea.
  • draft — A start for an idea, but is not likely ready to publish yet
  • priority — A topic that should receive focus before starting any additional explorations. The goal here is to get better at finding a starting point with which to work in the garden
  • stub — A idea with some initial content, but could benefit from additional exploration and documentation. This is similar to a Wikipedia stub.
  • shrub — An idea that has good bones, but is not definitive on the topic. I think this is the further status I have gotten on any of my MOCs.


Influenced by Craft Is My Workspace — The Refined Mind