🕵️‍♂️ How to Monetize a Free Tool




2 - Ask for testimonials when they are “hot” One of the courses I bought this Black Friday was Transformational Landing Pages by Eddie from Very Good Copy . One thing I realized while taking the course is how often Eddie asked and when he did it. He asked for a testimonial on two key moments of the course after the most important and core lessons 👇 (View Highlight) Ask for testimonials after important or core lessons

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Ask for testimonials DURING the course, when the student’s satisfaction is high. Also, make it as frictionless as possible by embedding a testimonial capture right there (could be a simple Google form). Most of us wait until the last moment or a few days after the course to do it and by then, the student barely remembers why they liked it. (View Highlight) Most people wait too long to ask for testimonials Testimonials

3 - Add UTM tags to each of your newsletter links You’re missing out on a great opportunity if you don’t properly tag links to other people’s sites in your newsletter. This will let people know that you are sending them traffic. This not only leads to relationships with other creators but also to social media posts, which boost your brand as well (View Highlight)

Tag every link in your newsletter with a UTM Tag. Add: ?utm_source=YOURNEWSLETTER (View Highlight)