YouTube Comments Can Be Your Secret Weapon for Engagement




  1. Display the feedback from your audience on your end screen Tell viewers that you will include the best comment in your future video’s end screen! (View Highlight)

  1. Leave comments on other YouTubers’ channels  Find other YouTubers in your niche or who you look up to. Leave an insightful or humorous comment on their videos. (View Highlight)

  1. Support another YouTuber’s channel Share a YouTube video from another creator you believe your viewers would appreciate. After they view the video, tell them to leave a comment on it, mentioning that you directed them there. (View Highlight)

  1. Make a Q&A video only to respond to comments Get your YouTube audience to ask you personal questions, then use a whole video to respond. As soon as you release your video, let viewers know that you’ll be replying to all comments for the next hour on YouTube comments. Your supporters will seize the opportunity to speak with you and get attention. Create a feeling of urgency for visitors by setting a short time limit for comments. (View Highlight)