Why Your Team Needs a Weekly Metrics Review




Unfortunately, unless your job title includes the word data, the practice of loading said bookmark does not frequently arise to the top of your to-do list, even if you really truly do think data is important! Thus begins the great death spiral of dashboards — because they go unused, they become unmaintained. Because they are unmaintained, when you finally have a need to look at them, they’re broken and useless. (View Highlight) The unused goes unmaintained

A weekly metrics review is a synchronous team meeting to review the key metrics for a scaling, post-PMF product with all functional team members present — ie, PM, engineering, design, operations. This type of review can (and should!) happen at the executive level, with the CEO and C-level executives, and recurse down to individual product teams. (View Highlight)

It’s best to keep the meeting lightweight. Preparation should be easy, ideally no more than 30 minutes. Many great metrics reviews simply start with screenshots of dashboards. The data person shouldn’t have to have all the answers at their finger tips (why did active users spike two weeks ago?). It’s fine to circle back with an answer later (View Highlight)