


As we come across new ideas and take notes (in Notion, Roam, Apple Notes, a notebook, etc), we can use the Novelty Index to rank those ideas by how novel or exciting they seem at the time. That way, when we look back at our notes, we can always tell which ideas are most exciting to a total beginner. This is often the stuff that’s most worth writing about. Here’s how the Novelty Index works in practice: Take a note when something interests or surprises you, (including when you strongly disagree with something). Write down a score (1-5) of how much it surprised or interested you at the time. Later on, use this ranking system to decide what ideas you should write about. If something was super-novel and exciting to you a few months ago (4 or 5 points), it’s probably a good topic to write about - even if your future self thinks “this is old news - why would I write about that?”.