


Spaced repetition systems can be used to program attention, so such mechanisms might be helpful here. In such a system, I might: Sit down to my morning writing and see a small handful of writing prompts for the day, drawn from my writing inbox I can choose to append whatever’s top of mind about any of them (perhaps they obscure what was written previously until I’ve added new material) Once I’ve done that, I can mark the prompt as “fruitful,” meaning it’ll come up again relatively soon, or “unfruitful,” in which case the system will increase its interval substantially. Alternately, I might take a moment to convert one of these prompts into one or more Evergreen notes. Any prompts which I simply ignore will have their intervals increased, but perhaps not as substantially as explicitly-unfruitful prompts. By taking advantage of the exponential nature of spaced repetition intervals, one could make incremental progress on potentially hundreds of prompts, while considering only a few on any given day. This would represent a system for incremental thinking.