Goal: It’s a chance to break out of the Urgency bias–where you spend most of your day jumping between emails, calls, meetings, and other low-value, yet urgent tasks–and really zero in on what’s most important.

To guide this review, ask a few questions: 

  1. Did you complete what you set out to do?

  2. Does your calendar (and commitments) match your priorities and values?

  3. What was your allocation of $10/hour work (i.e. answering emails) vs. $10,000/hour work (i.e. building a new feature)

  4. Create an overarching “theme” for the year that’s tied to your values. An annual review should look forward to the next 1, 5, or 10-years as well. How will what you do next year help get you closer to your larger goals? 

  5. Set you up with a realistic plan for a successful year. Use SMART goals you can measure throughout the year (not vague wishes and hopes that get dropped by mid-January.)

  6. What went well this year? 

  7. What did not go well this year?

Remember: It’s easy to overestimate what you can do in a day and underestimate what you can accomplish in a year!

2. Reflect on your YouTube Channel Overview from the past year

4. Set actionable YouTube Channel Overview for categories of your life

  • Work
  • Health
  • Friends and family
  • Travel
  • Learning
  • Financial