


1/ Explain the value you provide (title) 2/ Explain how you’ll create it (subtitle) 3/ Let the user visualise it (visual) 4/ Make it believable (social proof) 5/ Make taking the next step easy (CTA (View Highlight)

Social proof (above the fold) adds instant credibility to the value you’re promising. (View Highlight)

Add a few words to your CTA to handle the user’s biggest objection to clicking. Pair email capture with your CTA to make signing up as easy as possible. (View Highlight)

The second thing you do is handle your customer’s biggest objections. This means talking to customers. Group together reoccurring objections. Use their own words to handle them (View Highlight)

There’s going to be features and objections you want to mention that don’t fit in neatly above. This is where your FAQ comes in. Write them down. Reframe into questions and answers. (View Highlight)

Landing Pages