


So if like me, you’re worried about your career, remember that a) some risk is normal, and b) so long as you invest in your skills you’ll become a more valuable asset over time. The problem only comes when we rely on one job for too long, and stop challenging ourselves. That’s when the risk creeps in of becoming a 40-something-year-old who hasn’t upgraded their skills since they were 25.

I’ve changed my opinion on the topic of goals in recent times. I used to think they were a bit pointless in that you’re almost signing up to a contract of unhappiness until you hit the goal. But actually having a goal doesn’t mean you’re wedded to it. And without having some kind of destination to aim for in the first place you’ll never set off on the journey. So if you feel like you’re at a crossroads, just pick something and start moving towards it. It’s much easier to change direction when you’re moving forward rather than when you’re stationary.

“Every Sunday reflect on how the week previous went and look to see if there are new opportunities that you can be pivoting your goal for” [57:49] I first came across weekly review stuff when I read Getting Things Done by David Allen about 5 years ago - but I’ve done about 4 weekly reviews since then. Grace says that if you want to stick to the practice of weekly reviews you need to make it easy for yourself. It can just be a 10 minute thing you do on your phone at a time that wouldn’t be used for anything useful like during your commute or in my case when I’m sitting on the toilet scrolling twitter.