Making Electronic Health Records Both SAFER and SMARTER




A second, SMARTER Guide could include 7 dimensions helpful for advancing measurement and improvement of EHR cognitive support:

  • Synthesizing information and supporting goal-oriented search;
  • Monitoring care decisions, taking patient data and care setting into account, and suggesting better alternatives;
  • Automating routine tasks;
  • Recognizing trends toward or away from idealized patient models;
  • Translating important user actions into documentation;
  • Exposing contextually relevant data; and
  • Reliably and consistently performing these functions (Table).

The last dimension is represented in the SAFER Guides and may not require additional effort to measure its influence on cognitive support. In addition, minimally interruptive measures of cognitive atten- tion must be developed and integrated into clinical workflow to guide and sustain improvement, without affecting cognitive load. (View Highlight