In 7 Months, I’ve Grown to 26K Followers on Twitter…




I followed basic content writing principles. 1. Write an attention-grabbing hook 2. Prioritize structure 3. Make it about your audience 4. Deliver on your promises (View Highlight)

To write a great hook: -Poke at pain points to light up emotions -Add credibility to build trust -Build intrigue to pique interest -Don’t give it all away so they ‘turn the page’ (View Highlight)


People want to know: -Why they should bother reading -How it will help them solve a problem -What they will learn A bad hook makes it all about you, doesn’t get specific, and doesn’t leave anything up to the imagination. (View Highlight)

You Attitude

SCQA Situation (summary) Complication (problem) Question (what to do?) Answer (solution) (View Highlight)

Twitter Threads

You want readers to:

  • Feel like they’re learning
  • Experience zero friction
  • Stay interested throughout

To do that:

  • Share unique insights
  • Add the “why” and “how”
  • Show, don’t just tell (View Highlight)