How to Complete Your Own Annual Review
- Author: Fadeke
- Full Title: How to Complete Your Own Annual Review
- URL:
(View Highlight)review
- Note: What if I precreated my Annual note and put a framework like this there and attempted to fill it out as the weeks go by?
Consider your favorite projects: Think back to the work you did in the past year and reflect on the assignments or projects that felt challenging but energizing (View Highlight)review
Contemplate your biggest challenges: Consider any professional challenges that made you unhappy, stood between you and a career goal, or simply made your job harder (View Highlight)review
Think about your professional growth: Our jobs (and by extension our days, weeks, and even years) get stale when we’re not moving. Reflect on new skills you picked up in the past year or opportunities you had to stretch beyond your previous capabilities (View Highlight)review
How to Complete Your Own Annual Review
- Author: Fadeke
- Full Title: How to Complete Your Own Annual Review
- URL:
(View Highlight)review
- Note: What if I precreated my Annual note and put a framework like this there and attempted to fill it out as the weeks go by?
Consider your favorite projects: Think back to the work you did in the past year and reflect on the assignments or projects that felt challenging but energizing (View Highlight)review
Contemplate your biggest challenges: Consider any professional challenges that made you unhappy, stood between you and a career goal, or simply made your job harder (View Highlight)review
Think about your professional growth: Our jobs (and by extension our days, weeks, and even years) get stale when we’re not moving. Reflect on new skills you picked up in the past year or opportunities you had to stretch beyond your previous capabilities (View Highlight)review