How to Communicate With Your Future Self




I feel like most of us fail to realize that we can (and should?!) also better communicate with our future selves (View Highlight)

If I didn’t care about being able to communicate with my future self, all I could rely on is my memory. And my memory is flaky. It is incomplete. It is biased. It lies to me. It deforms facts and reality all the time (View Highlight) - Note: Characteristics of Memory

Memory Memory is flaky Memory is incomplete Memory is biased Memory only degrades with time Journaling is a way to communicate with your future self

A second means I rely on is the periodic reviews I perform. I do my best to conduct weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reviews (View Highlight)
- Note: Good for him. That’s involved.

An additional approach I’m currently testing is adding personal notes to my periodic reviews, in the form of messages from my current self to my future self. I’ve taken inspiration from the movie Memento (a must-watch!). I write those notes as if I was writing letters to a friend on the other side of the planet (View Highlight)