Highlights 🥦 How to Tell an Incredible Story



  • Author: Julian Shapiro
  • Full Title: Highlights 🥦 How to Tell an Incredible Story


Remember your parents Call your parents via Zoom and record it: ask them to recount their childhood, their major life events, and their passions. Essentially, record a podcast interview. You’ll be so glad you have this when they’re no longer here. It really beats just having old photos. (View Highlight)review

Neil deGrasse Tyson told author David Perell that nearly 100% of the stories and analogies he shares in interviews are first written down. Most people don’t realize this. The best storytellers put the work in before you hear them speak. (View Highlight)review

the best storytellers take the hook methodology to an extreme: they intersperse many hooks throughout their narrative by continually raising questions without immediately answering them. When they finally get to the nail-biting answers, they then drag out the telling. (View Highlight)review

In paying attention to what was happening beneath the words, I noticed that Jason was using a technique: he blows his own mind when he recounts his stories. Blowing your own mind entails being excited at moments of excitement, being shocked at moments of shock, and being wowed at moments of wonder. Listeners feed off this like sugar. (View Highlight)review

I noticed that charisma is the state of projectingthree qualities at once: confidence + joy + love for your audience. (View Highlight)review

For you to drop your self-consciousness so that a crowd drops theirs, you have to embrace what theater coach Konstantin Stanislavski calls “public solitude,” which is the ability to behave like you’re alone when you’re in front of a room full of people staring at you. (View Highlight)review

it turns out that the forces behind great story delivery are simple. You focus on two things and your body reflexively does the rest: • Blow your own mind • Imagine yourself smiling from ear to ear while talking (View Highlight)review