Don’t Specialize, Hybridize
- Author: Stephan Ango
- Full Title: Don’t Specialize, Hybridize
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The hybrid path means developing expertise in two or more distinct areas. Having several specialities allows you to see patterns that no one else can see, and make contributions that no one else would think of. (View Highlight)
There are more than two paths to acquiring expertise
Having a wide base of skills with one or two specialties gives you more tools in your toolbox — more ways to solve problems. (View Highlight)
The T-shaped hybrid path is one that many curious people follow. You grow your skillset and experience in areas that are adjacent to your dominant expertise. (View Highlight)
Being U-shaped requires bravery, because it’s so unusual. U-shaped people tend to be subjected to greater skepticism, because no one else really understands what they alone can see. Yet these intersections can lead to the greatest breakthroughs. (View Highlight)