Day 4: 🤹 5 Technique Tips to Master Speaking to a Camera



  • Author: Ali Abdaal
  • Full Title: Day 4: 🤹 5 Technique Tips to Master Speaking to a Camera


So a good compromise that I use is the bullet pointed script. I have a good idea of what I’m talking about and what to include, but I’m not constrained word for word, and that way I can be myself. (View Highlight) - Note: This is how I feel as well. YouTube Script Writing

The amount of eye contact in a video can either make things look really natural or really awkward. If you never looked at the camera it’d be weird, but if you stared at the camera the whole time it’d also be weird 👁️ So there’s a sweet spot somewhere in the middle, and the way I like to think about it is to treat the camera like a friend, and just make eye contact in the most normal way you can. (View Highlight) Pretend the camera lens is the eyes of a person you are having a conversation with