Building Your Online Course




Showing off Obsidian in a video lets people see exactly what I’m doing. So, even if I don’t explain something perfectly, they can still follow what I’m doing and see what I click on within the software interface. (Location 18) - Note: You are conveying much more information in a video than just the parts you are aware of.

Giving my students audio content made it possible for them to listen to the course while they were mowing the lawn, or doing other things that didn’t require active concentration. (Location 32) - Note: not every course needs video. Audio enables more consumption options for those who are busy or are on the go.

Take some time to add in “B-Roll” content from services like Motion Array or VideoHive (Location 61) - Note: check out these services. Note that palm rejection prevents typing with the pen and your other hand at the same time.

If you’re on Windows and you want to produce videos as you go, you can use OBS, a program that’s similar to eCamm Live. (Location 79) - Note: why doesn’t Curtis recommend OBS for Mac?

Every time I record, I go over each script and test run it before I start capturing video. This allows me to fix any issues with the script before-hand, as opposed to spending additional time re-recording later. (Location 90) - Note: I dont do this, but i should