Ali Abdaal on Twitter: ”👍 Hell Yeah or No - It’s Okay to Say No. If Someone Asks Me to Do Something and I’m Not Like “Hell Yeah” Then My Default Position Is to Say “Nope, I’m Not Gonna Do This”. Thanks @Sivers for This One.” / Twitter




Use a to-do list - the reason we let stuff slip through the cracks when managing our time is because we haven’t written it down. Your Brain is a Terrible Office

Protected time - I like to keep my mornings free from Zoom calls. This means I can wake up whenever I want and for a solid 4 hours I have uninterrupted time to do whatever I want.

Protected Time

The choice to be satisfied - when you’re a productivity nerd it’s easy to think “I’ve only filmed 1 video today but I could’ve filmed 5, what’s wrong with me?” We internally beat ourselves up, instead of choosing to be satisfied with what we’ve done. You can choose to be satisfied