4 Ideas to Write Better Non-Fiction



  • Author: Janis Ozolins
  • Full Title: 4 Ideas to Write Better Non-Fiction


  1. Please yourself Why write stuff you would love to read? • triggers intrinsic motivation so it doesn’t feel like work • more passionate writing = engaged readers , cus passion is contagious • when you share your interests, you attract your tribe (View Highlight)

  1. Informative first sentence The first sentence needs to answer readers, question: “What will I get if I continue reading this?” Don’t trick people into reading something they don’t want. Your goal is to set expectations and deliver on your promise. (View Highlight) Set the Hook

  1. Simplify each sentence to its core Examine every word — a surprising number doesn’t serve any purpose. (View Highlight)

  1. Build a sentence chain Do it by asking this question after every sentence: what does my audience want to know next? (View Highlight)