3 Ideas: Perk of Self-Employment, Tip for Creators, Less Is More
- Author: google.com
- Full Title: 3 Ideas: Perk of Self-Employment, Tip for Creators, Less Is More
- URL: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox/FMfcgzGqQJrPnWTttPRdcxzXclBKWKdJ
How to create better content? Instead of following the latest trend or advice from others, consume, ask the below questions and reflect. • Why I liked this post? • Why I followed this account? • Why this post made me stop scrolling? • Why I unfollowed that person? • Why I clicked and read that thread? • Why I commented on this post? Take those insights and apply them to your content. (View Highlight)
When you engage with content, ask yourself why
One of the most challenging tasks for aspiring creators is figuring out our thing/niche/approach. Since doing things online, I’ve talked to and observed a lot of successful creators and solopreneurs who have made it = found their thing, and are doing it full-time. (View Highlight)review
It’s way more fun to act on ideas immediately.
(View Highlight)review
One of the most challenging tasks for aspiring creators is figuring out our thing/niche/approach. Since doing things online, I’ve talked to and observed a lot of successful creators and solopreneurs who have made it = found their thing, and are doing it full-time. (View Highlight)review
How to create better content? Instead of following the latest trend or advice from others, consume, ask the below questions and reflect. • Why I liked this post? • Why I followed this account? • Why this post made me stop scrolling? • Why I unfollowed that person? • Why I clicked and read that thread? • Why I commented on this post? Take those insights and apply them to your content. (View Highlight)review