13 Tips for Getting Things Done Today




Write Everything Down (View Highlight)

Clarify. Think about what you wrote down. Is it actually something that you could do (a task) or is it actually a collection of many individual tasks (a project)? (View Highlight)

Tasks should be actionable, otherwise they need to be broken down further

Bonus tip: help your brain understand what exactly it is you want to do. Verbs visualise action, so once you have a list of tasks, be sure each one begins with a verb. (View Highlight)

Tasks should have a verb

when you break down your vague projects into individual tasks, always identify what the Next Action is. (View Highlight)

When you complete a task you should define a next action

If you’re feeling low energy, pull up your “Low Energy” context and plow through administrative tasks. (View Highlight)

Define a low-energy task list

A modified version of the 2-minute rule is to organize them into a block and complete them during a low-energy period. Rather than spread out $10 tasks throughout the day, which will only serve as distractions, block out a half hour and knock out a bunch at one time. (View Highlight)

While GTD is an effective system, it is complex and requires constant attention. Otherwise it can become stale, incomplete and a burden. Many GTDers declare GTD bankruptcy, clear out the entire system and start fresh. (View Highlight)