Relates to Postgres JSONB
I always manage to forget how to do JSONB array querying, so I’m finally going to write down this example so that I will have it the next time without having to re-search for it.
with problems_with_mapping as (
pregnancies . id as pregnancy_id,
pregnancies . patient_id ,
arr . position as index ,
arr . item_object ->> 'snomed_icd10_mapping_id' as mapping_id,
arr . item_object -> 'ehr_data' ->> 'problem' as problem,
arr . item_object -> 'ehr_data' ->> 'isActive' as isActive,
arr . item_object -> 'ehr_data' ->> 'isDeleted' as isDeleted,
arr . item_object ->> 'snomed_code' as snomed_code,
arr . item_object ->> 'name' as name
from pregnancies, jsonb_array_elements(document -> 'problems' ) with ordinality arr(item_object, position)
where arr . item_object ->> 'snomed_icd10_mapping_id' is not null
patients . first_name ,
patients . last_name ,
problems_with_mapping. * ,
snomed_icd10_mappings. *
from problems_with_mapping
left join snomed_icd10_mappings on snomed_icd10_mappings . id :: varchar ( 255 ) = problems_with_mapping . mapping_id :: varchar ( 255 )
left join patients on patients . id = problems_with_mapping . patient_id
where snomed_icd10_mappings . id is null