Podcast H/T Moss **### Podcasting Tips for Guests


  1. Record in a small, quiet room

Record in the smallest and quietest room possible to reduce outside noise and echoes. Shut windows and doors, turn off noise-making machines or devices, and put pets out of the room. Fill your recording space with soft items (couches, pillows, carpet, etc.) to muffle any errant noises.

  1. Keep your body still

Moving your body around creates background noise while recording. This happens a lot if you use earbud headphones. The wire lays close to your chest which causes the microphone to rub against your shirt and collar. Try to stay still in your chair with your feet planted. Avoid moving things around on your desk.


  1. Be yourself

You’re here because we already know you’re a great human and speaker! Don’t worry about “likes” or “ums.” Using filler language like “uhhhh” or “y’know?” is a sign that you’re speaking casually. Try not to keep track of your “like” count.

  1. Signal Non-verbally

In a regular conversation, we can see smiles, frowns, fidgets, and more. That’s hard to do in a podcast! Smiling makes you sound friendly. Vary your vocal inflection. If you are trying to convey a particular emotion — genuine interest! shock! delight! — it really helps.

  1. Don’t be afraid to re-do

If you feel you were unclear, misspoke, or would just like a re-do, you can always say “let me try that again”. You can also always flag it audibly for our editor “Hey Editor, please don’t include that!” either after you’ve said it, or the end of the recording. Your privacy matters.


  1. Stay aware of time
    Given that Moss & Friends is a 30 minute podcast, consider which stories should take priority, and keep the rest concise.

  2. Have fun
    Moss and Friends is ultimately a few friends having a chat about the things we care about: healthcare, wellness, and design. It’s okay to make jokes, laugh, and speak as you would in any conversation with your friends.**